Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Family Fun Night - February 2008

Tonight Nick and I took the boys to Valley West Mall for their monthly Family Fun Night! The mall puts on this event on the last Tuesday of each month... and it had been awhile since we have gotten to go, so tonight was a real treat for us... and the boys! :)
The boys played on all of the blow-up toys (slides, jumping games, etc. ... there was even a hockey game there with the BUCS!!) and then we got to meet none other than "The FAMOUS", the ONE and ONLY, Parker's FAVORITE furry friend.............


It was so cute... Parker went up to scooby and was super shy, as usual (with NEW people) and I took their picture together and Parker says to me as we were walking away,

"Mom, that SCOOBY was a GIRL!!!"

hehe! How funny! I just told him that she wasn't the REAL Scooby!! That seemed to be enough... he didn't ask anything else.

Owen loved getting to run around and check everything out, but when it came to the blow-up toys he would start to climb and play and then turn right around to me or Nick and want off. He found more pleasure in just watching his big brother this time around.

It was such a fun night... the boys were both so good so we stopped at The Great American Cookie Company for a cookie and lemonade. What a great ending to a great night!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My NEW Vinyl...

THANK YOU JODI!!!! :) I LOVE my NEW vinyl!!!

Here are a few photos of my wall words from Vinyl Expresisons by Jodi. I LOVE the saying and thought it would be fun in my entry way! Please disregard the unfinished trim around our doors... I am in a remodeling mood like nothing I have ever seen before!! :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

a FUN day out!

Today was a school day for Parker... we carpool with another little boy in his class, Cooper, so today was their day to drive to school. Parker always likes getting to have a friend to ride to school with! He had a great day at school, and to his surprise, when he got home his Uncle Matt (Buther) and Aunt Nonna were here to say hello. They were in the neighborhood running some errands and decided to stop by and say hi to the boys! They visted for a few minutes and then asked to take Parker out to lunch with them. Of course Parker said YES... he LOVES to go out to eat!!! (not because I am a bad cook... he just likes to eat out!):) So anyways, the three of them left and ran their errands and went to the Machine Shed which is not far down the road. Parker had a BLAST!!! He didn't eat much of his lunch, (infact, he brought about all of it home!) but he was so excited to come home with a NEW "Monster Tractor" and $1 for his piggy bank!! What a lucky boy!!! He had a REALLY good time... THANK YOU, Matt and Nonna for spending the afternoon with him, it was such a fun surprise!!! :)

Back at home it was just Owen, the girls and me! We were busy making lunch... all of us! The kids LOVE getting to help, it makes them feel so "BIG"... and it makes it a lot easier for me when they are right with me in the kitchen!! :) They each got a bowl, spoon and some frozen corn to help me get ready. Only Owen was brave enough to EAT a peice of the corn... he aparently wanted to see what it would taste like!! :) Must not have been too bad, he didn't spit it out!!! hehe!
Now everyone is off to sleep and I am taking a much needed break!! :)

Hope everyone has a GREAT day!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Busy Weekend

Hello everyone... we had a busy weekend this past weekend. We went back to I.G. for me to do taxes at Wilson's! I usually go in on Friday night and work until late and then come in for appointments on Saturday all day. It was a BUSY Saturday!!! ... but still fun!!!
Nick spent Saturday with the boys... they spent time with my Mom (Nina Wilson) and Nick's parents too (Nina & Papa Hamann). Nina and Papa Hamann and Nick took the boys to go feed ponies at a friends house... so they thought that was pretty fun! :)
We decided to head back to Waukee Sat. night since we were going to be getting bad weather... AGAIN!!! Not to mention I have been fighting a cold the last few days, so we wanted to get home. We made it back in time... right when we pulled into Waukee it started freezing rain! Sunday was a BAD day here... it was snowing and blowing in the a.m., so all of the churches were cancelled in the metro - I am not sure I have ever seen that happen before!!! It did clear up and by afternoon we decided to venture out. It really wasn't bad, but we saw lots of cars and a SEMI in the ditch! We were in the mood for ice cream... but ALL of the Dairy Queen's in the metro were closed due to the weather!!! Aggghh! So we ended up with COLD STONE... which is a personal favorite!! :) After our ice cream we got some videos from the local movie store and came home and watched movies. It was nice and relaxing!!!
Sorry nothing too fun to post about... Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!! :)
Here are some photos of my valentines... all three of my boys were my valentine's!!! We didn't have a real exciting Valentine's Day... I didn't have daycare today so we ran lots of errands and Parker had school this morning. They had a V-day party at school so he brought home a BIG bag of valentines! It was pretty cute!! He is learning to recognize all of his letters so he would say, "Mom, this one has the letter M - who is that?" and I would say... that is Max... and so on! He thought it was pretty great getting so many cards!!

As you can see from the photos the boys are wearing the same shirt... Parker likes to match his little brother! :) And of course, I think it is adorable!! Plus, I am sure he won't like it too much longer, so I am enjoying it while it lasts!

For V-day I got the daycare kids and our boys all a video and some candy... Scooby Doo for the older 2 and a Nick Jr one for the younger ones... they were all pretty excited!

Nick got me some tanning time and I got him some stocking caps and a shirt... we really don't do big gifts - in fact most years we don't do anything at all! We went out to Applebees for supper too... Owen was pretty naughty... he wanted to climb on top of the table the entire time!! Aghhh! You can imagine our frustration... the high chair had BROKEN straps!!! It seems we always get those high chairs!!! Overall, we still had a good day!! Hope everyone had a good day too!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The Hamann family is shouting it out tonight... HOORAY!! Please see the photos below... we are sooo excited (yes, we know we are nerds) to announce the NEW restaurants coming to Waukee!!! A long awaited PIZZA RANCH (our FAVORITE - - opening April 1) and our FAVORITE Chinese restaurant Tsing Tsao! This will save us a LOT of drive time!!

Both are "COMING SOON!" - it is definately a HAPPY day for us!! :)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

FAMILY hair cuts!

Hello again... I had to add another post to show all of our hair cuts! Nick hasn't gotten his yet (maybe tonight!), but the rest of us are all trimmed up and the boys look so BIG. :( I actually cut mine last week, but got it colored yesterday!! I had such a tough time with cutting Owen's hair since it was his FIRST hair cut and he is still my little baby! For anyone who sees Owen or has seen him recently you know it was time, but the curls are just SOOO cute!

Rough Week!

This past week has been a "rough" week in the Hamann house... Parker had croup Monday night so we didn't have daycare on Tuesday nor did he get to go to school. :( Always such a "BIG" deal for Parker to not get to go to school and have our friends come over.

Then we had a big snowstorm on Tuesday night which caused school to be cancelled on Wednesday and Parker was still not 100%, so again no daycare!

On Thursday Parker was able to return to school and we had one daycare little girl come so it was pretty quite around here! We ventured out for my dentist appointment Thursday morning (with Owen and Jadyn) and for those of you who don't know I had a CAVITY!!! Aghh... only my second one ever, but I was pretty upset about it!! So Jadyn was able to play "dentist" and got to help my dentist by sitting on her lap while she explained everything to Jadyn and filled my cavity... it was so much fun for her!!! She liked getting to look inside my mouth, she was speechless for most of it! - - pretty sure she is going to be looking at dental school in her future! :) She is such a sweetie! Then we went to pick up Parker from school and all had lunch out and then came home for a nap!

Friday no daycare again (I usually only have Jadyn) due to no school... so the boys and I had a fun day out with stops to the library for books, to Mr Movies for a video (Scooby Doo is Parker's new favorite and Back Yardigans is Owen's) and then a few other errands.

Really not too much happening but it was rough having Parker sick! He is always so dramatic about things and gets himself so worked up!

I don't have any photos to post for the week, but will try to get some with my future posts!

Please WELCOME the Hamann's to the Internet!

I swore I would NEVER do a blog for my family... but now I am realizing how great they can be! Blogs are such a great way to keep in touch with friends and family all around the world!!! We have friends and family in Missouri, Canada, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Virginia (the Snavely's :)), Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, and all over Iowa, so we have decided that a BLOG is exactly what we need in order for everyone to stay in touch and keep up with what we are all doing.

Our boys are changing so fast and this will be our little scrapbook of memories that we create daily and will update our blog each chance we get!

We hope you enjoy the little piece of the Internet dedicated to 'The HAMANN family!'