Monday, February 18, 2008

Busy Weekend

Hello everyone... we had a busy weekend this past weekend. We went back to I.G. for me to do taxes at Wilson's! I usually go in on Friday night and work until late and then come in for appointments on Saturday all day. It was a BUSY Saturday!!! ... but still fun!!!
Nick spent Saturday with the boys... they spent time with my Mom (Nina Wilson) and Nick's parents too (Nina & Papa Hamann). Nina and Papa Hamann and Nick took the boys to go feed ponies at a friends house... so they thought that was pretty fun! :)
We decided to head back to Waukee Sat. night since we were going to be getting bad weather... AGAIN!!! Not to mention I have been fighting a cold the last few days, so we wanted to get home. We made it back in time... right when we pulled into Waukee it started freezing rain! Sunday was a BAD day here... it was snowing and blowing in the a.m., so all of the churches were cancelled in the metro - I am not sure I have ever seen that happen before!!! It did clear up and by afternoon we decided to venture out. It really wasn't bad, but we saw lots of cars and a SEMI in the ditch! We were in the mood for ice cream... but ALL of the Dairy Queen's in the metro were closed due to the weather!!! Aggghh! So we ended up with COLD STONE... which is a personal favorite!! :) After our ice cream we got some videos from the local movie store and came home and watched movies. It was nice and relaxing!!!
Sorry nothing too fun to post about... Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!

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