Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rough Week!

This past week has been a "rough" week in the Hamann house... Parker had croup Monday night so we didn't have daycare on Tuesday nor did he get to go to school. :( Always such a "BIG" deal for Parker to not get to go to school and have our friends come over.

Then we had a big snowstorm on Tuesday night which caused school to be cancelled on Wednesday and Parker was still not 100%, so again no daycare!

On Thursday Parker was able to return to school and we had one daycare little girl come so it was pretty quite around here! We ventured out for my dentist appointment Thursday morning (with Owen and Jadyn) and for those of you who don't know I had a CAVITY!!! Aghh... only my second one ever, but I was pretty upset about it!! So Jadyn was able to play "dentist" and got to help my dentist by sitting on her lap while she explained everything to Jadyn and filled my cavity... it was so much fun for her!!! She liked getting to look inside my mouth, she was speechless for most of it! - - pretty sure she is going to be looking at dental school in her future! :) She is such a sweetie! Then we went to pick up Parker from school and all had lunch out and then came home for a nap!

Friday no daycare again (I usually only have Jadyn) due to no school... so the boys and I had a fun day out with stops to the library for books, to Mr Movies for a video (Scooby Doo is Parker's new favorite and Back Yardigans is Owen's) and then a few other errands.

Really not too much happening but it was rough having Parker sick! He is always so dramatic about things and gets himself so worked up!

I don't have any photos to post for the week, but will try to get some with my future posts!

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