Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Little Bit of EVERYTHING...

Our week has been busy... lots of fun stuff at home, Parker's last T-ball game, and 2 "Girls Nights Out" too!!! :)

The first part of our week was spent with our daycare friends... Corbin's actual birthday was Tuesday and we celebrated with making cupcakes (everyone got to help!) and frosting them and then eating them at afternoon snack! We all sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and took turns re-lighting and blowing out the candle... over and over again!! :) It was precious!!

Then... for those of you who aren't aware of this... Parker has dressed himself for a LONG time and I believe it was Wednesday morning he came down in this....

If you can't tell... these are PJ's! BOXER BRIEFS with a tank top!! hehe! He seriously had FULL intention of wearing this that day... until I told him that it was fine but he wouldn't be able to play outside in his pajamas and he ran right up to change!!! (THANKFULLY)!!! :)

Then... on Thursday I got to see SEX IN THE CITY!!!!! It was FABULOUS!!!! :) Ruth, Laci and I went to the movie and then Laci and I decided to go out for a little bit afterwards! What a GREAT night!!! THANK YOU ladies!!!! - - - and Ruth... I am SOO GLAD you came out with us!!!

I forgot to take a picture earlier in the evening, so there is just one of Laci and I! And... yes it is a self image, so not the best!!! And please lets not comment on how WHITE I am!! :)

Then on Friday Laci and I went to my friend Nia's house for an UpperCase Living party and had a GREAT time. There were Martini's and chicken or steak kabobs that we grilled ourself and fruit salad! :) YUMMY!! I had such a great time, Nia!!! THANK YOU!!!

And lastly.... Saturday (today) was Parker's last T-ball game! He did GREAT today and we were VERY proud of him! He was not real excited about going... but after the game was SOOOO GLAD he did!!! He got a MEDAL! :) He was soooo EXCITED! After the game Owen wanted to run over to the dugout to give his big brother a hug... it was precious! Here are a few photos!

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Parker's T-ball game...
We started out our Saturday with Parker's t-ball game at 9am!!! It was a great game (both teams always win!! :)) Parker was still shy as usual but MUCH more involved this time!!

Nina and Papa Hamann were there and so were Alicia and Brenton!!! I think Parker was proud to have such a great support system this week!!! :)

THANK YOU Alicia for taking such GREAT photos... it's nice to have some photos since I forgot my camera!!!

Here are Owen and I... he wanted me to wear HIS sunglasses!! :) hehe!

Here are some great shots of Parker and his teammates!

Another trip to the ZOO...
After the ball game we headed to the zoo again!!! This time we went with Nina and Papa Hamann, Dan & Kim and the girls Caroline and Grace and Alicia and Brenton! It was a GREAT time!!!! Here are some photos of our trip! The kids LOVE the zoo... they had so much fun again!!! - SEASON PASS... HERE WE COME!!! :)

The Edsen's :)



Brenton is Owen's new BEST FRIEND!!! He LOVES him some BRENTON!!! :)

CORBIN'S Birthday Party...
After we got home from the zoo and the kids got their naps in... we headed over to Corbin's 4th BIRTHDAY party! Corbin is one of my daycare kids and Parker's friend (well Owen LOVES him too!!!) It was a GREAT party!! He had a SPIDERMAN theme and Amy had the house all decorated with spiderwebs and spiders... soooo cute!!! The kids played a spiderman game, took turns hitting the pinata and got pizza and cake! It was lots of fun!

JEFF'S birthday party...
Our neighbors had a party Saturday night too... after Corbin's birthday we headed over to the neighbors to celebrate Jeff's birthday! We had GREAT food, good laughs and MARGARITAS!!! It was lots of fun too... THANK YOU for the invitation!! - and don't worry, Jake... we will still have you babysit!! :) hehe!

What a BUSY and fun weekend... :) THANK YOU Nina and Papa for coming to visit for the weekend and THANK YOU everyone for coming to the zoo with us!!! Kim - great idea for a family outing!! :) - thanks for the invite!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Blank Park Zoo

What a fun day!!! I took the kids to the Blank Park Zoo here in Des Moines on Thursday and they had the time of their lives!!! Avery came with us too!!! For any of you who know Avery, you know that this is what made the trip so special... she gets sooooo excited about everything and it is absolutely precious!! Every animal she saw was the GREATEST animal!!! hehe... so cute!!!

The boys LOVED it too! Owen was SOOOO well behaved!!! :) - they ALL were! I kept telling them all how proud of them I was and how well the were acting!!! It seriously was the BEST outing we have ever had!!! :)

Their favorite thing had to be the elephant statue that sprays water out of it's trunk!!! It was precious... they kept running towards it and screaming and laughing... sooo cute! They also LOVED feeding the goats!!! And the play area... they have a nice play area for the kids to climb and play on! A trip well worth it!!!

This was our first trip to the local zoo... and just the first of many to come! We are planning a trip on Saturday with Nina and Papa Hamann and our cousins Grace and Caroline and Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan! I am thinking about getting a season pass for next year! :)

After the zoo we ate lunch out and then the kids came home and took the BEST nap ever!!! :) hehe... which made the zoo even better!!!!!

Here are a few photos from our day out...

Water Play

What a GREAT week... little to NO rain all week!!! Yippee!!! We had a SUPER week! We played outside EVERYDAY and got out the sprinkler this week too! The kids all had a blast! Here are a few fun photos from our sprinkler play!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Date Night...

Nick and I had a date night tonight... it was so great getting to go out!!! We went to dinner at BRAVO (it was AWESOME) with our friends Lori and Brian and then out to play miniture golf! What a fun night!!! Thanks to the Sheeks for spending a great night with us!!! We will definitely have to do this again!!! :) - maybe I'll win at mini-golf next time!! :) hehe!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Picnic in the Park

Today Christi called us and asked us to have a picnic lunch in the park with her and her kids!!! After loading all of the carseats in the van and getting our lunches made up (with much help I might add :) ) we all loaded up in the van and headed to the park!

We took sandwiches, grapes, carrots, chips and string cheese for our lunch... it was YUMMY! The park we went to has a nice covered area to eat... so it wasn't so sunny and hot while we ate!

The kids all had a great time playing together and eating lunch together... it was so nice getting out and changing up our routine!!! :)

Here are a few photos of our morning/noon.

The last photo is Kaden showing me his trophy from football he got last year... he was SOOO proud, it was sweet!!! :) Way to go Kaden!!!!

Sorry I didn't get any good photos of Kiera, Lauren (Christi's little daycare gal), or Kelton (Kiera and Kelton are sort of in the photo with Kya)... but everyone else seemed to make it in front of the camera with no problem!! :)

THANK YOU Christi for such a fun day!!!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Weekend Update with the Hamann's... :)

Sorry... but this is another long post!!! I like to update once a week... sometimes more, but it's not that often that I have time to blog more... so here goes!!

Friday was my birthday and we decided to wait and celebrate on Saturday... my Mom came for a visit and we spent the day around the house and then Saturday night Nick grilled steaks for dinner... it was DELICIOUS!! Then my Mom watched the boys and Nick and I went out to the movie "WHAT HAPPENS IN VEGAS" - for anyone who has not seen this movie... it is a MUST SEE... we LOVED it!!! I can't remember when I laughed so much!!!! :) What a GREAT night!!!

Sunday was Father's Day and we started our day by going to church (and getting to see the Sheeks' and sit with them!!! ) :) Then we went shopping, out to lunch and then came home for some down time and then out for a family bike ride!! It was a great day... HAPPY FATHER's Day... Nick, Don and Grandpa Wilson~!! We LOVE YOU!!!

Here's Nick and the boys playing the Wii...

Family bike ride...

Also... Owen is now able to open the refridgerator by himself... and here are a few fun photos of him on his BOOTS getting into trouble!!!!

Hope all the dad's had a GREAT Father's Day!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008


Today was my birthday... 31 years I have been around on this earth! Doesn't seem possible to be officially "in my 30's" ... I still feel like a 21 year old - - - ok, not as energetic maybe, but none the less a 21 year old! :)

I had a great birthday... Nick got home a little early today and we went out for ice cream! Then we went to one of my favorite restaurants (Tsing Tsao) for dinner with Alicia and Brenton and our boys and then sat on the deck for a bit and then headed over to the Ladwig's for some SMORE making!!! :) YUMMY!!!

It was a fun day... and THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes today!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SAND and WATER table

Ok... so after a few talks with Christi and trying it out at Owen's birthday party - - - the SAND and WATER table has officially become the "WATER TABLE" OR the "SAND TABLE" but definately not BOTH!!! :) hehe! What a MESS!!! The kids had fun at the party playing in both the sand and the water, but when they became one... not so pretty for anyone around!!! Owen and some of the other kids were throwing "watery sand" at each other... and WOW was it MESSY! So... now that it is ONLY capable of holding ONE or the other (by my choice) we LOVE it!!! :) ... and Ralph does too!!!

Enjoy the photos of the kids playing today!!!