Tuesday, June 10, 2008

SAND and WATER table

Ok... so after a few talks with Christi and trying it out at Owen's birthday party - - - the SAND and WATER table has officially become the "WATER TABLE" OR the "SAND TABLE" but definately not BOTH!!! :) hehe! What a MESS!!! The kids had fun at the party playing in both the sand and the water, but when they became one... not so pretty for anyone around!!! Owen and some of the other kids were throwing "watery sand" at each other... and WOW was it MESSY! So... now that it is ONLY capable of holding ONE or the other (by my choice) we LOVE it!!! :) ... and Ralph does too!!!

Enjoy the photos of the kids playing today!!!

1 comment:

Snavels said...

SOOOO cute! We have the same "sand and water" table..but like you ....we learned it should just be a sand table:) :) The girls love it. I LOVED all the pictures of the boys. They are getting so big. Owen's b-day party looked so fun. You guys are so cute in your shirts!!