Sunday, July 27, 2008


It has been another crazy week... sorry about the delayed post!! :) The week was filled with all sorts of activities... including a grill out, making new recipes with Nicole, camping out, making SMORES and a visit from Nina and Papa Hamann, the Edsen's and Nina Wilson!!! What a FUN time!! :) - - - THANK YOU for all of the visitors... and THANK YOU Don and Jane for the sweet corn and Kim for the bars/recipe! :)

I will spare you all of the details... as it would take hours to write, but we did have an exciting week/weekend! Much of our excitement was on Saturday night, when we decided to have a "CAMP OUT" in our backyard to give the kids an opportunity to try camping while avoiding loading up everything and driving somewhere only to find they didn't like it!! Much to our suprise, they LOVED it!!! :) First we had the Ladwig's over to roast marshmallows and make SMORES (my favorite!!!)! The kids had lots of fun running around and burning up some energy - me on the other hand was a bit stressed using the fire pit for the first time... too many scares for me!!! - sorry Nick! It was fun though!

Here are a few photos from the day/night!


Mere and Jonny said...

How fun! Good idea to try it in your backyard before you head out to the campgrounds! We need to come over next time you do this! Jonny LOVES SMORES :)

Was fun last night! glad we tried Los Cabos!! Great food. So good to see you guys!

Jodi Lansink said...

Great idea!!! Now you know they love it----you'll be at the campgrounds all the time! :)

Candi Ladwig said...

Fun! We haven't had campfire s'mores since.... hmmmmmm... well, Hallie has never, so that would be at least 4 years!! I'm jealous!