Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tuesday Night Date Night

Last night (Tuesday) Nick and I had a date night! Jake and Michelle came over to watch the boys (our neighbor boy who is our sitter) and we went out with Meredith and Jonny for a night on the town!!! :) hehe!

We went to West Glen to Los Cabos (a Mexican restaurant) for dinner! We sat out on the patio... and the weather was beautiful!! The food was good... I can't say the same for the smell inside the restaurant! aghh... I am not sure I would have eaten there had there not been any tables outside available!!! - - - it really was good food (and GREAT company) though!!! :)

Afterwards we headed to Target (for me - it was the deal)!! And then on to the Cabaret for a drink! Again we were able to have a table outside on the patio... so nice!!! It was a good time... lots of good conversations... right Jonny??? hehe! We had a really nice night guys... THANK YOU!!! :) Hope to do it again soon!
Here are some pics...

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

You and Picker are so cute!! Auggh..mere needs to drop 30! YIKES!! It was fun. we need to do that more often....
Jonny LOVED the conversations :) haha j/k.
I need to post my pics from that behind on my blogs!