Sunday, August 31, 2008


On Saturday Nina (a.k.a. Nani) and Papa Hamann came over for the day. They are watching the girls this weekend (the Edsen twins) so Papa came to help Nick build a cover for our egressed window. The girls (Grace and Caroline) played with the boys outside... and although Owen had a bit of a tough time sharing, they still had a fun time. After a little playing here, we decided to head to the park since the guys would be welding. We went to one of our favorite parks in Clive... it was SOOO hot though, so we didn't stay too long! :) Here are a few photos fron our day. (Parker was off on his own most of the time, so I didn't get any good photos of him - sorry!)

At the park...

Friday, August 29, 2008

Jesse Grove - UPDATE

Nick and I went to see our good friend Jesse today!!! :) We were so glad to get to see him and to give him a big hug! We have missed our Jesse!

Jesse is still recovering and it will be awhile until he is "back to good", but he is doing MUCH BETTER according to his sister Jenni! :) We stayed at the hospital for about 2 hours and visited with Jesse and Jenni! Jesse is still pretty weak, but is definitely improving!! - Thank God for this!!!

He only has a couple of IV's now... his throat is still pretty sore from the tube... and is pretty weak yet... but he is up doing therapy several times a day! YEAH, Jes!

Hang in there Jes... we love you and will continue to pray for you!!! :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Preschool Update...

Tonight was our preschool orientation! Parker was very excited... I think it helped that Cooper was there, Corbin and Kya! oooh... and OLIVIA!!! - In case you don't remember, Olivia is Parker's crush! He was so excited to see her! :) It was fun meeting new teachers, talking with other parents and of course, chasing Owen around! Nick was a bit frustrated that Owen didn't listen well, so they headed to the van sooner than Parker and I. Afterwards we celebrated with Dairy Queen! - (Owen didn't get any since he couldn't listen - but his big brother gave him a few drinks of his milkshake).
School starts on September 4th for Parker... and that day can't come soon enough, he is VERY ready!!! :)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Incase I didn't mention it... I only had Avery for daycare on Monday and Tuesday... so we spent the two days celebrating her birthday and taking some fun trips! Monday was the zoo (with Nick too) and then Tuesday (today) we went to the Science Center downtown - - which we had never been to before! We really enjoyed ourselves!!! :) All three kids were just amazed with many of the displays! We had to check everything out... Avery's favorite was the lego cars, Owen's was the paper rocket machine, and Parker's was a toss-up between the rockets and the toddler play area (where he got to fish!) :) Enjoy all of the photos (sorry for the overload!)

Zoo trip! - Monday

On Monday Nick, Parker, Owen, Avery (my little daycare girl) and I all went to the zoo since Nick had the day off and to celebrate Avery's upcoming birthday! We had a great time as usual!! It really is a great zoo! - - My favorite part: the baby girafe!!! :) The kids' favorite part: the sprinkler bus at the play area! :) hehe! This trip we got to see the Sea lion show, which was fun... the kids wanted to sit up on the platform to watch so we had a great view! Here are a few photos from our day out...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

More Home Projects...

We spent the week/weekend working on more projects on our "to-do" list! Nick had Thursday, Friday and Monday off as vacation days... which was nice!!! :) He got tons of the trim up that we have been needing to finish FOREVER!! - - it looks GREAT too!!! :) He also put in a rack in the boys' closet and I re-organized it! I also re-painted 2 walls in our entryway - RED! :) I love them!! (I actually did that about 2 weeks ago, but forgot to post it!) Here are some photos...

ENTRYWAY (the back walls)...

Upstairs - Entryway (back wall)

PARKER & OWEN'S CLOSET (not all done!)...
There is a full length shelf on top with canvas basket and then a half rack on Owen's side so his clothes are lower for him to reach! :)

Left Side (Parker's Side) - first 2 photos

Owen's side - Right side - LOWER rack!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Jesse Grove

This post is for our good friend Jesse Grove... who is currently in the hospital in Sioux City suffering from complications to his surgery. PLEASE PRAY for him and his family! - - - Jesse we LOVE you and are praying for your recovery!! Hang in there VERN! :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

New Sitter

Tonight we had our NEW sitter, Lindsay come and watch the boys so Nick and I could go out to dinner together... and we couldn't be happier!!! Plus, we got to try out Samurai - the new Hibatchi restaurant at Jordan Creek!!! - YUMMY!! :) - ironically we got to sit with someone from Ida Grove (Faye Railsback)! :)

Parker gave us the low-down as soon as we walked in the door!!! - - Lindsay helped him on the monkey bars... need I say more! This is one of the MOST important things to Parker!! hehe! Oh to be a kid again! :)

Lindsay got the "PARKER APPROVAL"... he told us how much he likes Lindsay!! :) We are so happy!! :)

Owen went to bed good for her and she said they were both good boys... YIPPEE!!! - - I hope it is always this way!!! :)

We still have Jake to play Wii with Parker and now Lindsay to do the monkey bars too!!! hehe! What lucky boys!!!

THANK YOU, Lindsay!! We can't wait to have you come again! :)

Here are a couple of photos of Lindsay and Parker... Owen was in bed when we got home!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Home Improvement Progress!!!

Despite my little mishap with the slicer... we did manage to get some of our "to do" list done! Here are some pictures of our progress!

Daycare Area...
We layed new tiles (foam interlocking) for the floor and then rearranged and organized all of our toys into tubs!

Front Door...

Nick painted the front door for me!! This is the 4th color since we have lived here!!! I LOVE changing things, what can I say??? This time it is RED... I love it!!! Still not convinced that it is better than my orange... that was my favorite!!! - we may be going back to that someday! :)