Sunday, August 10, 2008

Fair 2008!

This past week the Iowa State Fair started... it has become an annual tradition for us to go with our friends from Ida Grove, Dawn & Andy and their girls Madison and Sydney! The weekend started by them coming to town on Friday night! My friend Nicole, Dawn and I went out for a few drinks and some good "girl time"!!! :) So of course a late night!

Saturday morning we all got up and got ready and then headed to the good 'ole fair! We had a good time... lots to do and see as usual! My favorite part of the fair is the FRIED Snickers on a stick!!! - I know some of you are thinking - GROSS... but really it is YUMMY!! - EXTREMELY fattening, but still yummy! :) We saw all of the animals, the tractors, the butter cow, the Midway (rides for the kids) and more. I got my first-ever migraine while at the fair which was not too fun considering I thought I was going to vomit on multiple occasions! :( Agghh... not good and it lasted for several hours - we had to swing by the first aid building to get me some medicine (thanks Dawn). Unfortunately this year we missed the free shows at the Bank of the West tent... we usually watch a show or two there each year so we were a little bummed... especially since we got there just after 5:30 and the last show was at 5 (which was BOB the BUILDER!!!) Darn it!

Parker with DAN ORDELL and CLIFFORD from PBSkids!!!

Take one... Take two... Take three... (you see where this is going!!!)

Tractors are one of Owen's FAVORITE things in the world!!!!

After the fair we came home and had Pizza Ranch for supper (my migraine was gone by this time - thankfully) and then sat outside and had smores! Poor Parker was so exhausted from the day that he passed out in the van on the way home (about 6:30 pm) and didn't wake up until 6:40 on Sunday morning!!!! That is a record for him... and no supper to boot! He was TIRED!!!

Maybe one of the sweetest pictures I've ever seen (the one of Madison and Owen- hehe)!!!!

Sunday we all got up and headed to church - which was a last minute decision and poor Dawn had about 2 minutes to get herself and her 2 girls ready... SORRY!!! :) After church Nick and Andy went to Nick's cousin Ryan's house to help him and Candi get things moved in and Dawn and I took the kids swimming in our backyard.

When the guys got back we headed to TGIFridays (YUMMY!!) and then out for a day of shopping!

We had such a fun weekend... THANK YOU Schreiber's for coming to visit and for another year of the FAIR!!! :)

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