Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Preschool Update...

Tonight was our preschool orientation! Parker was very excited... I think it helped that Cooper was there, Corbin and Kya! oooh... and OLIVIA!!! - In case you don't remember, Olivia is Parker's crush! He was so excited to see her! :) It was fun meeting new teachers, talking with other parents and of course, chasing Owen around! Nick was a bit frustrated that Owen didn't listen well, so they headed to the van sooner than Parker and I. Afterwards we celebrated with Dairy Queen! - (Owen didn't get any since he couldn't listen - but his big brother gave him a few drinks of his milkshake).
School starts on September 4th for Parker... and that day can't come soon enough, he is VERY ready!!! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

Parker starts school on my 30th birthday :) how funny is that??

Tell him good luck! He'll have fun!

Alicia said...

If Brenton would have been at Dairy Queen, you know Owen would have gotten his own. haha.

Parker starts school the day my daddy turns 60. lol