Sunday, November 23, 2008

The "BIG" Party...

Before the party we did some cleaning and the boys wanted to help... so of course I couldn't resist taking a picture!!! :) hehe

Then on to the party... Parker had 5 friends from school: Cooper, Corbin, Shay, Kya and Olivia! They were all soooo good and we had such a fun time! Here they all are in their Scooby masks! :)

We played "Stick the dog tag on Scooby!" - they had a blast and Kya won! Olivia was a close second!!! :)

We made a SCOOBY craft out of toilet paper rolls...

We sang HAPPY BIRTHDAY and had cupcakes and ice cream...

Olivia won the prize for CUTEST cupcake!! hehehe... she decorated hers with her m&m's!!

We had a SCOOBY pinata!

... and then we played until the parents came to pick up everyone.

It was such a great little birthday party... I am sure Parker will be talking about it for months! THANK YOU for all of the great presents and for coming to help Parker celebrate!! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

Lor - LOVE all the things you did and cute cupcakes! I bet Parker did love it and had fun with all his friends. He's getting so big :)
Lets do get together soon...after turkey day? I am working ALOT of hours since this is our busy time and i was just on vacation but would love to get together for apps and drinks :) let us know

Jodi Lansink said...

WHAT A FUN PARTY!!! Love the cupcakes! YUM!

Candi Ladwig said...

Looks like fun!! I love the TP roll craft, how cute!