Thursday, November 20, 2008


Parker 2 months... and Parker 5 years!!
Parker is 5 today!!!! It is so hard to believe that he has been our little boy for 5 years already!!! He had a GREAT birthday... he was the "leader" today at school and we made some fun SCOOBY DOO cupcakes for him to take for snack. We got little scooby rings to put on top of the cupcakes... and they were a hit! :) After school he got to decide where we went for lunch and what he wanted to do for his birthday... and he picked the mall! We invited Cooper and Nicole along and Nina Wilson and Uncle Matt (bubba) were here too - - and Avery too! :) It was lots of fun! We ate lunch in the food court and then went down to play for awhile! Afterwards we came home for a nap and then Cooper got to come over to play for a little bit! Then tonight he opened his presents from Nick and I and my Mom... and then he picked RED ROBIN for dinner... it felt like my birthday... since I didn't have to cook all day!!! :) I can handle this!!! :) He had a GREAT birthday... and he will have more fun Saturday with his friends from school and then again Thanksgiving weekend with Nina and Papa Hamann and Uncle Dan and Aunt Kim and the girls!! He is a lucky boy!! :)
Ooooh... I almost forgot to mention that ALL DAY he kept asking me, "Mom am I REALLY 5???" He is too cute!! :) He is SOOOOO excited to be 5!!! :)
- - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PARKER... we love you!! :)

SCOOBY DOO jammies.... :)


Alicia said...

Happy Birthday to my little friend, Parker!! We need to get together maybe Monday or Tuesday night... I *might* have a little somethin' somethin' for my little buddy!!!! If you guys are busy next week, which with Turkey day and all, we will catch up the following week! :-)
Miss you guys!!!

Mere and Jonny said...

Happy Birthday Parker!! Sorry we have been in Florida all week otherwise I would have called him!!
I can't believe he's 5. We'll get together after the T-day! Tell Nicker happy early birthday too!!

Have a good time at his party this weekend! Mere and Jonny

Jodi Lansink said...

Happy birthday! Love the Scooby Jammies!!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

Happy birthday Mr. Parker!!! Wow, 5, that's old!! :) We'll see you soon.

Snavels said...

Wow..I cannot believe Parker is 5...our babies have grown up so quick! I am so sad that Reese couldn't celebrate with him! :( She still wants to name her "baby brother" Parker...:) So Cute! Looks like he had a fun party! Hopefully we will be able to see you all when we are out in January!