Monday, November 10, 2008

A trip to I.G.

We headed back to I.G. this weekend... and this is what I saw when I looked in the back seat on the way there!!! Too sweet! :)

We went back for a craft show at the daycare there! It went pretty well... not as good of a turn out as last year, but still a good show and LOTS of FUN!! :) Great to see you Dawn and Jodi!! Robyn even came to spend the afternoon with me... and she brought Dawn and I lunch!! :) THANK YOU! :) It was a fun day! :)

That night Nick and I went out with Robyn... we had a great time!! :) THANK YOU ROBYN for hanging out with me all day and then all night... literally!! :) hehehe!

Doesn't Robyn look so pretty....


Candi Ladwig said...

Glad you had a good weekend... still bummed it was on our scrap weekend ;)

Alicia said...

Hey.. looks like you guys had a good weekend!!

And yes, Robyn does look pretty.. she's one of the lucky ones who is aging beautifully!!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

It was god to see you----and we made the day fun at the craft fair!