Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Science Center Field Trip

On Monday Parker asked if we could take a field trip to the Science Center downtown! - - and since we just purchased a membership, I said sure!! :) We had to go later than usual since Parker and Avery had preschool so nap had to get pushed back a little, but we had a great time! :)

We had daycare (only Avery today) and we asked Parker's friend Cooper to come along too! So me and the four kids loaded up and headed to the Science Center! :) From the start the kids were soooo good! Even Owen.... yes, even Owen! :) hehehe! We had an absolute blast! We went once last summer, but this time was so much more fun! I am so glad Parker had the idea!

They all had their favorite parts... Parker, Cooper, and Avery's favorite part was the 'Rocket Center' where we made paper rockets and got to shoot them and see who's could go the farthest. Owen's was the 'Water Station' and the 'Egg Drop'! For Owen, this place was AMAZING! :) He was so excited about everything and he was soooo good! I told Nick that the Science Center is Owen's cup of tea!

Here is Owen at the 'Water Station'

Checking out all of the fun stuff...

Feeling the AIR come out!

Owen caught a fish with the magnet fishing pole... and Avery can blow some BIG bubbles!! :)

Parker and Cooper even put on a play for us... Mr. Bear, Mr. Snowman, Mr. Penguin and Mr. Reindeer were quite entertaining! :)

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our "SPECIAL" Visitors...

Last week we had some "SPECIAL" visitors stop over... Jadyn and Shelly! I used to do daycare for Jadyn and we miss them very much! It was so nice getting to spend time together and the kids had a blast playing together again! Poor Nick got a work-out while Shelly and I worked on her taxes... but he didn't complain too much! hehe! Jadyn is getting soooo big! Her hair is so long too! We are so glad you guys came over... we hope to get together again soon!

Another Valentine....

Last week the boys got a special package in the mail.................. another Valentine from Meredith (Owen's Godmother) & Jonny (a.k.a. Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny)!!! They were so excited... they LOVE LOVE LOVE getting mail! :) They sent a cute V-day card each got a coloring book!! :) It was so cute... Parker was looking for them... he said, "Is Aunt Mere here? Where is she?" Even though it came in the mail, he thought she brought it to him!! I think this means we need a visitor!!! - - hint hint! :)THANK YOU so much guys!!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Playdate/Library Visit

This past week we had a little playdate with Ruth and Trey (my friend Julie's little boy) who Ruth watches. They stopped by for a few hours to play and have snack and the kids had a great time! :) THANKS for visiting... come again soon!! :)

Then we took a trip to the local library for story time! I just had Owen and Avery with me so it made for a very fun trip! We met Ruth and two of her little daycare boys there too! After story time they open up a room for the kids to all go play in, so it is more fun for them! :) - - THANKS for meeting us Ruth, we had a fun time!

Piper's Baptism

We are so excited to get to be little miss Piper's Godparents!! :) Ryan and Candi had her baptism last weekend in Ida Grove with family and friends! It was a nice baptism... except that Owen thought he needed to be a part of it too and decided to join us! Then Hallie and Reese wanted to come too and it ended up being a family baptism! :) Hallie got to pour the water for Piper which was pretty precious, so it all worked out in the end! Sorry for the chaos!! :)

Here are some pictures from the day!

The proud parents...

Reading afterwards with the pastor Russ and Carl (the puppet)... (priceless)

Valentine Fun

I know I have been a MAJOR SLACKER!! I will try to do better... I have so much to post and no time to do it! :)

Here are a few things from Valentine's Day/week!

We made lots of crafts at daycare this week! The kids had so much fun doing all of the different crafts and we even used GLITTER GLUE! :) hehe! Here is a look at Parker and Owen's "Valentine Bags" we made for our cards! Also the gifts I got for each of the daycare kids this year... a Valentine Potato Head and some candy!

Parker had to make a card box for school with specific requirements of what it should have on it... here is what he came up with (with my help)...

He had to use...
RED HEARTS for his family members
BLUE HEARTS for his pets
PURPLE HEARTS for his age
his FAVORITE COLOR to write his name
his FAVORITE COLOR to draw a pic of himself
pictures of his FAVORITE FOODS

It was so much fun getting to work on this together! :) Parker cut out all of his food items from a magazine... it was SOOOO CUTE! :)

Nina and Papa Hamann gave the boys Valentines presents last weekend... and they LOVED them!! :) THANK YOU!! :) - - - Nina Wilson was there too and got to hold Owen's bear! :)

They each got a new book, movie and new BUILD-A-BEAR outfits for their bears! Parker of course got BATMAN and Own got a HOCKEY uniform!!! hehehe! They were SOO excited! :) Their bears look so cute too! :) hehe!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lots happening!

First and foremost... Parker's letter from Kya! :) Kya sent Parker a letter last week and I have been meaning to post it! :) He is always SOOOO excited to get mail... so when he had a letter from Kya he was all smiles! :) - - - THANKS Kya... your letter/picture is soooo beautiful!

This past week/weekend has been busy for us! I started my first weekend at the tax office for this tax season... which was fun for me! :) Nick and the boys stayed here and just hung out around the house! They even ventured out for groceries on Sunday... which according to Nick was a HUGE chore! :) - - - I am thinking this makes him a little more respectful of my days! :)
While in I.G. I got to go out with Robyn and Dana!! :) We went out Saturday night after I got off work! It was so much fun getting to catch up with everyone! :)

Then Sunday I head back home! I was WORE OUT!!

Monday Ryan and Candi had us over for dinner to celebrate Ryan's birthday! :) Candi made her famous seafood lasagna... which was YUMMY!!! The kids played afterwards and the adults hung out and watched some CRAZY comedy!! hehe! THANKS for dinner... it was great... and we had so much fun - - can you believe Nick was seriously ready to leave me... AGAIN??? Patience - that boy need patience! :)

Last night Nick and I had a date night with Brenton and Alicia! :) After realizing our movie was no longer at the "Cheap Night" theater... we decided to do dinner instead! :) We went to Champs at Jordan Creek... which was YUMMY!! It was their "Family" night so they were playing HAWKS BINGO!!! Who can pass up a good ole' game of HAWKS BINGO???? Not us!! :) Nick even won once... but then some drunk guy one too and Nick had to play Paper-Rock-Scissors with him and Nick lost! Darn it!!!! Here are a few photos from the night! :) We had fun guys... we will DEFINITELY plan to attend HAWKS BINGO again in the future! :) hehehe!

And yes... we are aware that we look crazy! :) But we had fun! :) hehe!