Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine Fun

I know I have been a MAJOR SLACKER!! I will try to do better... I have so much to post and no time to do it! :)

Here are a few things from Valentine's Day/week!

We made lots of crafts at daycare this week! The kids had so much fun doing all of the different crafts and we even used GLITTER GLUE! :) hehe! Here is a look at Parker and Owen's "Valentine Bags" we made for our cards! Also the gifts I got for each of the daycare kids this year... a Valentine Potato Head and some candy!

Parker had to make a card box for school with specific requirements of what it should have on it... here is what he came up with (with my help)...

He had to use...
RED HEARTS for his family members
BLUE HEARTS for his pets
PURPLE HEARTS for his age
his FAVORITE COLOR to write his name
his FAVORITE COLOR to draw a pic of himself
pictures of his FAVORITE FOODS

It was so much fun getting to work on this together! :) Parker cut out all of his food items from a magazine... it was SOOOO CUTE! :)

Nina and Papa Hamann gave the boys Valentines presents last weekend... and they LOVED them!! :) THANK YOU!! :) - - - Nina Wilson was there too and got to hold Owen's bear! :)

They each got a new book, movie and new BUILD-A-BEAR outfits for their bears! Parker of course got BATMAN and Own got a HOCKEY uniform!!! hehehe! They were SOO excited! :) Their bears look so cute too! :) hehe!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Super cute Valentine's!! So creative! I hope you the valentine's gift from Aunt Mere and Uncle Jonny in the mail!??!!
We'll get together soon!