Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Lots happening!

First and foremost... Parker's letter from Kya! :) Kya sent Parker a letter last week and I have been meaning to post it! :) He is always SOOOO excited to get mail... so when he had a letter from Kya he was all smiles! :) - - - THANKS Kya... your letter/picture is soooo beautiful!

This past week/weekend has been busy for us! I started my first weekend at the tax office for this tax season... which was fun for me! :) Nick and the boys stayed here and just hung out around the house! They even ventured out for groceries on Sunday... which according to Nick was a HUGE chore! :) - - - I am thinking this makes him a little more respectful of my days! :)
While in I.G. I got to go out with Robyn and Dana!! :) We went out Saturday night after I got off work! It was so much fun getting to catch up with everyone! :)

Then Sunday I head back home! I was WORE OUT!!

Monday Ryan and Candi had us over for dinner to celebrate Ryan's birthday! :) Candi made her famous seafood lasagna... which was YUMMY!!! The kids played afterwards and the adults hung out and watched some CRAZY comedy!! hehe! THANKS for dinner... it was great... and we had so much fun - - can you believe Nick was seriously ready to leave me... AGAIN??? Patience - that boy need patience! :)

Last night Nick and I had a date night with Brenton and Alicia! :) After realizing our movie was no longer at the "Cheap Night" theater... we decided to do dinner instead! :) We went to Champs at Jordan Creek... which was YUMMY!! It was their "Family" night so they were playing HAWKS BINGO!!! Who can pass up a good ole' game of HAWKS BINGO???? Not us!! :) Nick even won once... but then some drunk guy one too and Nick had to play Paper-Rock-Scissors with him and Nick lost! Darn it!!!! Here are a few photos from the night! :) We had fun guys... we will DEFINITELY plan to attend HAWKS BINGO again in the future! :) hehehe!

And yes... we are aware that we look crazy! :) But we had fun! :) hehe!


Alicia said...

We had fun last night! Brenton sent me an email today that only said one thing: "I had fun playing bingo last night with Nick and Lori"

And I couldn't agree more! We should do it again soon!!!

Besides, those were the BEST cheese balls I have had in a VERY VERY VERY long time! DELICIOUS!

Mere and Jonny said...

I love the letter from Kya! Super cute :)