Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Trip to Keokuk

Last weekend we headed to Keokuk for our annual visit! My grandparents are winter Texans... so they don't get back here until April and each year we make a trip down to visit them once they have returned. We got to leave Thursday night and spend the whole weekend with everyone! My dad's entire side of the family all live in that area (siblings and parents). Lucky for us... my cousin Mitch was in town visiting so we got to see him too! Mitch lives in Ohio!

Friday morning we all (us and grandparents) went into town to eat breakfast at HyVee (a tradition for my grandparents)! We got to see my Great Uncle Mark, Uncle Merlin, Aunt Marlene, Mitch, and some other family friends. It was nice to visit with everyone and catch up!

This picture BEST describes our time at HyVee... hehehe! The boys LOVE Uncle Merlin (a.k.a. BERLIN)!!!

After breakfast the boys, ladies and I did some shopping and then headed back to the house. Owen and I spent some time outside playing soccer! - he LOVES soccer! The Wilson guys and Nick got in a game of golf over in Carthage, IL... it was GORGEOUS out! - -except they all came home looking like lobsters!!! They got a little burnt! :)

Here are some random shots with some of the family...

Grandpa doing what he does best... hehehe!

Then Saturday Matt, Nick, the boys and I all headed back into Keokuk to visit with some friends we grew up with... Chris, Kevin and Kathy! We all ate at Pizza Hut (kids too and Kathy's Mom and niece) and then took all of the kids to the park for a bit before it started raining. We got to meet Kevin's wife and kids and Chris' girlfriend and her son on this trip too! Afterwards we all went out to my grandparent's house and played pool and ping pong! It was lots of fun... even if there were 17 people in the basement!!!!

The weekend went by too fast... we had so much fun getting to spend time with everyone!! We are looking forward to seeing everyone again on Memorial weekend! :)


{find joy in the journey} said...

Looks like it was a great weekend. I bet your grandparents are glad it finally getting a little warmer:)

Mere and Jonny said...

Love all the pictures of the family!! Matt is looking great! So are you!!! Tell The boys hi from Aunt Mere :) talk soon

Unknown said...

Nina Wilson luvs your pix. I e-mailed my Aunt Verda your blog so she can see our family. This is Grandpa Sovereign's youngest sister. She lives out in Alberta, Canada.