Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Update from last week! :)

Again we have had a busy week!!! Does it ever slow down??? I am pretty sure the answer to that is NO! :) We did our normal activities through the week... a visit to the library, a trip to the park, walks, etc. Then on Friday night we had a BBQ at our house! We invited Ryan & Candi and the girls (we owe them tons of meals still!) and Brad & Nicole and the kids and Ross. Nick and Brad (mostly Brad) did the grilling since Nick, Ross and Ryan were messing around in the garage with Nick's truck. It was yummy... cheeseburgers, brats, potato salad, deviled eggs, watergate fluff (a.k.a. green fluff, right Candi?), baked beans and chips! We had fun chatting while the kids played together! Afte dinner Hallie and Reese and Owen put on a puppet show too! - - not much of a show, but they had a good time!! :) - - unfortunately I have no pictures! :(

Saturday night we went to our friends Shawn & Lindsey's for dinner. The kids got to make their own pizzas and we had pizza, lettuce salads and fruit salad! Again... yummy! :) We hadn't seen these friends forever... so it was so nice to catch up! - - THANKS again for dinner guys! - I did manage to get a few photos!! :)

Then Sunday we mostly hung out around the house... Nick got called into work and worked from 9:45am - 8pm! So the boys and I had a nice LONG afternoon nap and waited for Nick to get home to take us all out for ice cream! It was a bummer having him gone all day! :(

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Sounds like you had a good dinner at your house with friends :)