Friday, July 10, 2009

4th of July

What a 4th!!!! I was sick the entire weekend... and still am suffering from an ear infection and sore mouth! We got to Ida Grove on Thursday night and I felt great... we were getting things loaded into my Mom's house and the kiddos were out front catching lightning bugs! It was so sweet.. the first time they ever did it!!! My camera didn't take great pics... but 2 turned out! :)

I ended up staying at my Mom's all weekend by myself in bed (at least I had Ralph because my Mom was in Canada)!! Nick and the boys stayed at the Hamann's and had a GREAT 4th! The boys spent Friday with Nina and Papa while Nick did some work on my Mom's rain gutters and then he spent the evening with them... they all went to the movie Ice Age. The kids liked it!!! :)
Saturday they went to the parade with Nina & Papa, Dan & Kim and the girls and sat with Great Grandma Hamann, Judy, and Ann and her family. Again... another good time! Parker got so much candy... he turned to Nick and said, "Dad, this is the BEST day of my life!" - - hehehehe~ So cute, wish I could have been there! Kim got some great pictures for me tho - THANK YOU!!!

They spent the day playing... and of course Papa went out and found them a FROG for the frog jump!!! They were scared of the frog but still had fun! They had to bundle up in Nick and Matt's old sweatshirts from when they were little since it was only 60-some degrees out! Brrr... kinda of glad I was in bed.. all I packed was tanks!!! They each got a prize for participating in the frog jump so they were pretty excited! Then that night Nick came over to IG and picked me up to go see fireworks in BC! They were GREAT... but I was MISERABLE! We left before the grand finale so I could get back to bed... I was freezing with chills!
Nina Hamann took some pictures at the frog jump and throughout the weekend... so once I get those I will post more photos from the weekend! - - THANK YOU Nina too!!!! :)
We headed home Sunday and Nick took Monday off as a vacation day so we at least got a little family time in on Monday! :)
Hope everyone had a GREAT 4th! Hopefully next year ours will be a little better! :) -at least no sickness I hope! :)

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