Monday, July 27, 2009

VBS and Taste of Hope

Last week Parker went to Vacation Bible School again... this time at Lutheran Church of HOPE in West Des Moines! He went with his friends Cooper and Corbin (and even Braxton went too this year)! The kids had a blast!!! I included a photo of his shirt... I thought they were pretty fun!

Then on Sunday the entire family went to Taste of Hope! This was the first time we ever went... and it was a great time! They served FREE food, had games, fireworks and blow up toys for the kids... and TONS of people! - - Seriously, TONS of PEOPLE! The lines were ridiculously long!
I love taking our family to these things... but I can not handle the lines. We waited 20 minutes at least for 1 ride! CRAZY! So we left after 2 rides... but promised the boys we would take them to Family Fun Night this week... so we will hopefully get some great pictures from there to post!


Candi Ladwig said...

Gosh, that stinks! The longer the lines the more irritated I get :) What night is family night this week?

Your moms puppy is soooo cute!! What a fun little friend for her!

Christi said...

I loved HOPE's VBS and taste of hope- you just have to pick the right time to go, and then its not so bad:) Were the VBS songs tons of fun this year- those are always our favorite car CD's!