Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ralph Update

Our Ralphy isn't doing better... he is getting worse. We took him to the vet last week and they confirmed he had pancreatitis and put him on antibiotics, stomach calming pills and pain killers. We have had a terrible time getting him to not only take the medicine but keeping it down too. His symptoms are getting worse and he is getting weaker everyday. He was down 3lbs when we went in.
We took him back into the vet yesterday (one week later) and he had lost 5 more lbs, so a total of 8lbs. and was still experiencing all of the symptoms. They did x-rays, a rectal exam and gave him injections of medicine to help calm his stomach. They were able to get him to eat a little at the clinic and he didn't vomit so they said he could come home and we should watch him over the weekend and try to get him to eat.
Friday night he ate a 1/2 of a can of dog food (for stomach and digestive health) and then shortly after vomited. Again today we were able to get him to eat a little and he vomited again. :(
He sleeps all day and moans and cries... it is so heartbreaking to watch him in so much pain. It breaks our hearts.
We talked with the boys today about what might happen if Ralph continues to not improve and Parker is pretty upset.
Ralph has been a part of our family for 8-1/2 years... and although I am biased, he is the best dog ever. He is so good with the kids... even when they beat up on him and he is a great listener... Nick and I say better than the boys! :) We just hope that Ralph can come through this... it is hard watching your animal suffer.
We will finish out the weekend and then talk with the vet again on Monday about the next step for Ralph.


Alicia said...

This is so heartbreaking for me to hear! It's not easy, I hope Ralph will start eating {and keeping it down} and start feeling better! I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!

Mere and Jonny said...

I just started crying! You know me and Ralph go way back and i haven't been the best...but I do love that dog and know the boys do too!! I hate seeing your "kids" in pain! He was your 1st kid basically!! keep me posted and we'll be praying!