Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

This Halloween was not a happy one for us... with all the sickness, I had to miss out on the festivities and Parker was only allowed to go out for a bit sonce he was feeling a little better. Parker was a Hawkeye football player and Owen was black spiderman.

Nina and Papa Hamann, the Edsen's and Nick and the boys all went to Valley West Mall since the weather was rainy and chilly... they had a good time and got a few pictures for me to post!

Out in our neighborhood... this didn't last long tho!

A few shots of Parker getting ready to go out! He was so excited to be a Hawkeye!! :) THANK YOU Candi for the decals for his helmet too!! - he was on cloud nine! :)

HAPPY HALLOWEEN everyone!! :)

1 comment:

{find joy in the journey} said...

All the kids looked adorable!! Just think, next Halloween your have one more "character" added to your bunch:)