Friday, October 30, 2009


Sorry for such a long delay in the posts... we have had our fair share of sickness at the Hamann house! Parker and I both had H1N1... he was out of school for a week (he had to miss his leader day and his Halloween party - so he was really bummed) and I was down for about 2 weeks and had a hospital stay too! It was a LONG recovery... but we are both well and luckily Nick and Owen steered clear!
Now our dog, Ralph is sick too... we took him to the vet and he has pancreatitis. He is having a really tough time and seems to be getting worse... we will keep you updated on what we find out. Please say a little prayer for our favorite furry friend... he has been a part of our likfe for 8-1/2 years and we love him very much!

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

I am so glad you are feeling better! Not fun being sick and H1n1 is awful!!! I am glad you and baby are doing good!!! and Mr. Parker too!