Saturday, October 17, 2009

Fall Festival at Point of Grace

This past Saturday was our annual FALL FESTIVAL at our church! Candi, Carmel and the girls all joined us again this year for some candy, face painting, games and bouce houses! Parker was a Hawkeye Football player and Owen wanted to be the black Spiderman! Candi's girls were ADORABLE as usual... I didn't get great pics, but included the few I got! Little miss Piper was a butterfly, no a moth, no wait... she was tinkerbell! :) hehehe! We had a good time... and of course the kids were excited about all the candy and fun!

Parker taking on a CYCLONE fan in the bungy game... unfortunately Parker lost - maybe it had something to do with the fact that the other kids was like 12 years old!?!?! Anyways... it was fun for him!! :)

Wanted to include these... but some are super hard to see... I need a new camera badly! :)

Jumping in the bounce house! (again another bad one... my settings don't work well!)

Face painting...

Thanks again Candi for joining us this year... we had a great time... and hope you all did too! :)

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

Thanks for having us... we had a great time! I didn't get many pictures, but will try to post any I got later :)