Sunday, October 11, 2009

Our Keokuk Trip...

This past weekend we went to Keokuk to visit the Wilson family! We try to go down at least twice a year... in the fall and in the spring since my grandparents winter in Texas. As usual we had a good time visiting with everyone! This trip I didn't get a chance to catch up with any old friends... so hopefully next trip there will be more time for this.

Owen and Parker were taking pictures...

Here are some cute ones and some silly ones with the boys and their great-grandparents and Nina.

My poor Grandma... :)

Aunt Marlene taught the boys how to play hot/cold hide-n-seek! She would hide a toy from them and then allow them to come in the room and would tell them if they were hot or cold! It was hilarious... the toy even got hid on Grandma's head!! hehehe! They loved it! :) Thanks for playing with them Aunt Marlene! :)

And.... there isn't a trip to Grandma & Grandpa's house without their famous STRAWBERRIES! As usual... they were delicious!!! We even got pictures of Owen to prove it...

and finally... the "HAPPY COUPLE" - :) We love these 2... they are the best grandparents!!!

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