Sunday, February 21, 2010

33 Weeks...

I can hardly believe that I am 33 weeks along already! It was such a LONG beginning and now time is flying by! I am feeling good (other than the cold I have had for 2 weeks) and we are all getting excited to meet our new little guy!

This stage of pregnancy is starting to bring on some aches and pains... but nothing too major (which I hope it stays that way). I am up at least 2 times during the night for bathroom visits... not including the MANY times I wake up just to turn over! hehehe! :)

We are planning to get maternity pictures next week so hoping to post those soon too! :) - - the whole family will be a part of this event and I am super excited since I have never done them before!

I am hoping to schedule a massage soon too... one of my daycare Mom's got me a massage gift certificate at one if the spas in W. Des Moines... and they offer maternity massages so I am SUPER excited to get that done!

The baby's nursery is still awaiting pictures and some vinyl (which I still need inspiration for) but I did get a diaper bag this week and I was happy to find it! Still no name... but we are working on it! - - We think we may just wait for the final decision when we meet Hamann Boy #3! :)


Jodi Lansink said...

You look adorable!! ( I feel really huge!!) I hear ya on the aches and pains and nightly bathroom breaks-----all the joys! Enjoy your massage, I am sure that will feel great! You are getting so close----can't wait!!

Jodi Lansink said...

That's easier to read! Cute makeover! I need to work on mine now!

Candi Ladwig said...

You are so cute!! We can't wait to meet the latest member of the Brady Bunch :) Enjoy this last stage... all the kicks and hiccups!! {I miss 'em!!} Don't forget I'm here for your vinyl needs!! {I think I still owe you some???}

Enjoy your massage... and some peace and quiet!!

Mere and Jonny said...

how cute you are! I love your tum tum!! Have fun at your massage too! Super fun!!!

Alicia said...

You look so stinkin' cute!!! Hope we get to see you all soon!!!!!