Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Maternity Photos


Josie said...

Love the pictures - what a cute family Lori!!

Monica said...

so cute! the boys are getting so big-I'm sure everyone is ready to meet the baby!

Kim said...

Holy crap, they turned out really well!!! How fun - the girls & I (well, Dan too, but the girls & I talk about it more) can't wait to meet the newest family member!

Mere and Jonny said...

Super cute :) They turned out great!

Jodi Lansink said...

The pictures turn out GREAT!!! I am so glad I had maternity pictures with Jillian, but wish I did it with all my kids! :) You have such a cute family!!! Just a few more weeks until your little guy gets here! YEAH!!!

Candi Ladwig said...

they turned out great!! you will treasure these pics!! I am sad we never did them with Piper :( Can't wait to meet him!! {GET OUT BABY!!!!, okay... not quite yet...we have a scrapping date first!!}