Saturday, February 20, 2010

Surprise Lunch Date

All week Parker had been asking me to come eat lunch with him on Friday... so of course I had to! :) Nick had been out of town for work earlier in the week so he was able to get off early on Friday... so we surprised Parker... he knew I was coming but he didn't know Nick and Owen were coming along too! He was SO EXCITED to see us all waiting for him outside his classroom door! It was so fun! Owen LOVED getting to be a 'BIG BOY' and thought it was so great to get to eat lunch at "Parker's school"!! :) We will DEFINITELY try to squeeze in a few more lunch dates before baby #3 arrives!

Sorry... no pics to post, but had to share our lunch story!

1 comment:

Candi Ladwig said...

melts my heart seeing them get sooooo excited when us moms get to visit at school :)