Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weekend in IG - Early Valentine Presents

The first weekend in February we made a trip back to Ida Grove to visit family and do our taxes! Despite a few snowy/icy roads... we had a GREAT time getting to see everyone and we were very happy with our outcome on our taxes!!! :)

We had planned to take our boys to the Skate Palace to rollerskate, but unfortunately they were closed for an event... so plan B was a trip to the bowling alley for some bowling (and a yummy lunch with Nina Wilson first). Nina and Papa Hamann joined us after lunch to watch the boys bowl too! Although not the best bowlers... they sure had fun playing! Nick and the boys did all the playing but Papa was up there a time or two helping the boys too! :)

After bowling Nina and Papa Hamann took the boys and us up to Ida Grove Pharmacy (a.k.a. Albrechts) for some yummy ice cream! They loved it!! - - I think this might have been one of their favorite trips to Ida Grove! :) - - For sure one of mine since I got a GEDUNK!! :) YUMMY!!! :) Thank you for the fun time Nina & Papa Hamann and Nina Wilson!!

Also during our trip the boys got their Valentine's early from Nina Wilson (treats, cards and money) and from Nina & Papa Hamann... here a few pics of them opening their gifts from the Hamann's.

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

The bowling looks so much fun!!! Tell everyone hi!