Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

For Mother's Day this year we didn't do too much... My Mom ended up coming to see us on Saturday so was here to celebrate Mother's Day with us! Parker had a flag football game (on Mother's Day!! - grrr!) so we went to church in the morning, out to lunch with Matt and my Mom and then on to Parker's game. Our church service was GREAT (as usual)! After church we went home and took a few pictures before we went out to lunch...

Proud Mommy with her 3 boys! :)

Parker and Owen made me some WONDERFUL Mother's Day presents at church and school...

Parker made the ones below at school (and the flower bouquet above)... I love that boy! :)

Our family...
We are pretty sure that we may NEVER get a picture with all of us smiling but at least we got a picture of us all together, right? :)

My Mom, Me and the boys... 3 generations! :)

After the photo shoot we went to lunch and the naughtiness began! Owen was being such a little stinker! Parker and Nick left after lunch to head to the game and the rest of us went later. After the game we all went grocery shopping and to Costco... the naughtiness continued with Parker and Owen! :( I am pretty sure that since Drew has arrived the older 2 boys have COMPLETELY stopped listening!!! Grrr! After all of our errands were done we came home and I made dinner for us all, did laundry and Nick put the boys to bed and we ended the night with Desperate Housewives!

I am so grateful for my boys and the sweet things they made me... and I am grateful for my husband and each of our families... but this year was a rough Mother's Day! Nick and I made a pact that next year we will be spending "OUR" special days alone doing what we want to do while the other parent takes care of the boys! :) I am thinking pedicure and shopping and Nick wants a golf day! :) We will see if we follow through! :)


Alicia said...

super cute pics... but I am dying to know what your favorite food is!

Your kids are so cute! Love to you all!!

Candi Ladwig said...

I love the questions! Sounds like Parker knows his mommy :)

Jodi Lansink said...

Looks like a good Mother's Day with all of your boys---and you look great by the way!!!