Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Our two youngest boys hanging out on the chair! :) Owen (4) is always wanting to hold Drew (2-1/2 months) and Drew loves the attention!!! Drew is such a happy little guy... we are so blessed to have him in our family. We LOVE our 3 little boys!! :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Drew had his 2 month check up yesterday - - actually 2.5 month! :) Here are his stats!!!

Height: 24-1/2" (94%)
Weight: 15lbs 3.5oz (99%)

He is a BIG boy! We can hardly believe that he could be this big already!! He did NOT like his shots... he had to get 3 of them! I am not sure who disliked them more... Drew or Parker?? Poor Parker had to go out in the hallway because he didn't want to see them hurt Drew and when he came back in he was crying!! - - Such a sweet big brother!! Drew had a VERY fussy afternoon after the shots! :(  Poor little guy!

Owen had his 4 year checkup yesterday also... here are his stats!!

Height: 41" (59%)
Weight: 39.2lbs (72%)

Owen had to just get one shot (unplanned)... and he tried to be tough, but ended up crying too! :( I had told him it would be a pinch... and he said afterwards, "Mom, that PINCH hurt really so bad!!" My poor little boys!
Our boys are definitely GROWING!!! :)

Sunday, June 27, 2010


We have a NEW BLOG for selling our home! Please pass it on to anyone you know that is looking for a home! THANKS!!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Our BOYS...

Our boys are all growing so fast.... Parker is 6-1/2, Owen is 4 and our little Drew is already 2 months old! We sure love these little guys... they're such cuties!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Hamann Boys...

Look at all of those HAMANN BOYS!!!

Toy Story 3

Look... it's WOODY BUZZ and BULLSEYE!!! :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Our 2-month old

Our little guy is 2 months old!! Here are a few pictures of our little Drew! - - we are so blessed to have him in our lives... we LOVE this little boy!!!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hide-n-Seek Tag...

This summer the boys have been playing hide-n-seek tag EVERYDAY! The neighbor kids all gather to play pretty much every night! It is pretty cute... as I remember playing in our neighborhood when I was growing up! :) My Mom was here and the boys convinced her to play one day during daycare! It was hilarious - - poor Nina wasn't fast enough to get the boys so she was 'it' for quite awhile! - -I think it wore her out!! :)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Jesse & Rachel's Wedding...

June 5th was Jesse & Rachel's wedding in Ida Grove! We had such a GREAT time at this wedding... got to see tons of friends and family and our 2 oldest boys had a blast dancing the night away and the youngest loved getting held and loved up on all night!! :) Congrats to the happy couple!! :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


We are looking for a larger home now that our family has grown!! If you know of anyone looking to buy please send them our way and if it results in a sale for us we will give you a little reward!! :)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Owie's OWIE!

Our little Owen had a rough night Tuesday... he was playing hide-n-seek tag with the neighbors and as he was running to base he ran smack into Daddy's tail gate on his truck! He cut open his forehead pretty badly! Mommy freaked out... it looked horrible!! :( I think my crying actually calmed him down tho... he didn't cry anymore after I was crying. He asked why I was crying and I said, "I don't want to see my little boys get hurt." After that he was Mr. Tough Guy! - - he had to get 8 stitches and he was a trooper! It was not pleasant to say the least, but we were very proud of him for being so brave!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Last Day of Kindergarten

Here is our BIG BOY on his last day of Kindergarten!! - - so hard to believe our little Parker is going to be a 1st grader!!! He was so sad as he got off the bus... he cried and told me he didn't want school to be over! He will miss his friends and his teacher, Ms. Reed - - she is the BEST!!
Of course Owen had to be included in the pictures... :)

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Drew - 7 wks!!

Our little boy is already 7 weeks old! He is a HEALTHY boy... getting bigger everyday! :) In these pictures he is wearing his little onsie from the Ladwig family (Ryan & Candi) - if you are interested in some personalized clothing items Candi does a GREAT job!! You can get in touch with her by visiting the! - - thanks Candi!!! :)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Kindergarten Celebration

Waukee Elementary had a 'Kindergarten Celebration' for the kids last week! They don't actually have a kindergarten graduation so this allows them to still celebrate!! :) Only 2 people can come for each kid so Nick and I both went (thank you Sarah for watching my kiddos)!! It was super cute... they sang songs and showed us some of the things they learned throughout the year and then afterwards we got to go to their classroom and have the kids serve the parents cookies and juice! :) We are very proud of our little kindergartener!! It's hard to believe our Parker will be in first grade!!

Here are some photos from their little celebration!

Parker's Certificate...