Thursday, June 10, 2010

Owie's OWIE!

Our little Owen had a rough night Tuesday... he was playing hide-n-seek tag with the neighbors and as he was running to base he ran smack into Daddy's tail gate on his truck! He cut open his forehead pretty badly! Mommy freaked out... it looked horrible!! :( I think my crying actually calmed him down tho... he didn't cry anymore after I was crying. He asked why I was crying and I said, "I don't want to see my little boys get hurt." After that he was Mr. Tough Guy! - - he had to get 8 stitches and he was a trooper! It was not pleasant to say the least, but we were very proud of him for being so brave!


Mere and Jonny said...

OUCH!!! Poor thing! I am glad he is okay though. I'm sure he's sore!! :( Give him a hug and kiss from aunt mere :)

Candi Ladwig said...

Uggg... poor guy! Glad a few stitches could heal him up.