Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Drew had his 2 month check up yesterday - - actually 2.5 month! :) Here are his stats!!!

Height: 24-1/2" (94%)
Weight: 15lbs 3.5oz (99%)

He is a BIG boy! We can hardly believe that he could be this big already!! He did NOT like his shots... he had to get 3 of them! I am not sure who disliked them more... Drew or Parker?? Poor Parker had to go out in the hallway because he didn't want to see them hurt Drew and when he came back in he was crying!! - - Such a sweet big brother!! Drew had a VERY fussy afternoon after the shots! :(  Poor little guy!

Owen had his 4 year checkup yesterday also... here are his stats!!

Height: 41" (59%)
Weight: 39.2lbs (72%)

Owen had to just get one shot (unplanned)... and he tried to be tough, but ended up crying too! :( I had told him it would be a pinch... and he said afterwards, "Mom, that PINCH hurt really so bad!!" My poor little boys!
Our boys are definitely GROWING!!! :)

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