Tuesday, November 2, 2010

HaPpY HaLloOwEeN!!!

This year the older two boys wanted to be MARIO and LUIGI for Halloween! We had to order their costumes online, because it was imperative that they have the inflatable bellies and those couldn't be found in town! :) Oh those boys!! :)
This is little Drew's FIRST HALLOWEEN so it was EXTRA special! He was a little lamb and a super cute one I might add! :)
The weather cooperated this year so we were all able to get out and do some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood and the boys got TONS of candy! Nina Wilson came to see the boys and their costumes and even went out with us!

Halloween Jammie's
Nina & Papa Hamann always get the boys cute Halloween jammies in their goody bags and here they all are showing them off! :)

Drew having some dinner in his Halloween bib!

Blank Park Zoo
This year we went to the zoo for Night Eyes with Nina & Papa Hamann and the Edsen family... we had never been and Kim suggested it, so we thought we would give it a try! It turned out to be pretty fun!! :) The kids got to collect candy along the way and see the animals... although I think we may try going next time in the evening so we can see the lights as well... I heard it's better in the dark! - - Either way, it was fun and I am glad we all went together!!

My little PUMPKINS... :)


Visiting Mere & Jonny
It has became an annual tradition to stop by Mere's house for Halloween and this year was no different! We swung over and spent a little time with Mere and Jonny before heading out to trick-or-treat! :) It's always great to get to visit with Mere and Jonny... maybe one of these times we can get together without our boys! We could use a night out! :) 

Presents from Nina Wilson
Nina came for Halloween and brought the boys presents... here they are opening them up! :) Thanks Nina!

Halloween Craft...
I got some ceramic tiles and my kids (and my daycare kiddos) made spiders with their hands and paint! They turned out super cute!! :)

We hope everyone had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! :)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

So glad you guys came over and saw us. We need a picture with Jonny in it next year! :) The boys were scrumscious :) So CUTE!
Let us know when you want an "Adults night out"...we can do it!