Monday, November 22, 2010

Parker's 7th Birthday!

We rented a park shelter for Parker's birthday this year... since Mommy was too late to book the bowling alley! :( - - I felt horrible that Parker didn't get to have his party where he wanted, but this was a GREAT aternative! :)

The decorations...

These were little picks to stick in the bowls of m&m's at each table - - these I printed and laminated!! - - LOVE MY LAMINATOR! :)

Candi made the shirts for the boys... we gave these out as party favors along with their goody bags! :) THANKS Candi!! :)

The Cake...
I made Parker's cake this year! I have to admit, it was FUN but VERY time consuming! It was my first fondant cake! I added the little figurines to the cake and they were part of his birthday present too! :)
The less messy version... cupcakes! ha!
The Pinata!
Perry the Platypus! The boys helped me paper mache the pinata... and then I had to take over and finish it off - -I'm a little OCD! It was such a FUN project... but again time consuming! It was great having it at the park... we just hung the pinata outside on the play equipment and the boys had at it!

The FOOD...
We ordered pizzas for lunch and had veggies and dip to go along with it. And it isn't a party without my favorite yummy punch! :)

The Presents...
Parker got so many presents! He is a lucky boy!! THANK YOU everyone!! :)

The Balloons...
My Mom's friend makes balloon animals/characters and she made these AMAZING balloons of Phineas and Ferb for Parker! I was so impressed.... aren't they GREAT??? :)

Happy Happy Birthday to my baby boy! I can't believe my little punkin pie is already 7 years old! The time has just flown by!! I THANK GOD everyday that I get to be a part of your life! You are such a blessing and I am proud to be your Mom! I LOVE YOU Parker Matthew!!!


Jodi Lansink said...

Awesome party!!!!

booturtle said...

Great Perry pinata! Do you have any tips? I'm considering making one for my son in October. boo (at) booturtle (dot) com Thanks!