Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Owen's Preschool Program

Nina Wilson, Nina & Papa Hamann, Grace and Caroline, Uncle Bubba (Matt), Nick, Drew and I all attended Owen's Christmas program at school on Tuesday... only to see our spirited little boy NOT SING A WORD!!!!! Owen, you ask? Yes, Owen! He didn't sing or do any of the actions AT ALL! A reminder of Parker's preschool years!!! :) Last year he sang with all his might, talked during the program and reminded me to clap NUMEROUS times... and this year NOTHING! :(  I was so sad... everyone came and he didn't want to perform! I guess it shouldn't have surprised me so much considering he did tell me that morning that he would only be singing 3 of the songs... when I asked why, he replied that he only wanted to sing 3 of them and that was it! So here are some pictures of my little boy not singing! :(

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

Sad I missed it this year! Sorry! He sure still looks cute! Growing up on me!