Friday, September 14, 2012

NEW Bar Stools

For those of you who know me well... you know that I have spent the last (AT LEAST) 6 months looking for bar stools for my kitchen! I am NOT THAT PICKY... but I AM CHEAP... so was VERY stressed over this whole ordeal! I looked and looked and if I found the height and style I wanted... then the seats were too wide for my space! Or I LOVED the style and the size worked, but the price was RIDICULOUS!!! It was sooo frustrating! FINALLY... I stumbled upon a blog that had bar stools as a DIY project! ( - - again, if you know me well, you know that any DIY project I do... I always have a helper!! (POOR NICK!!!!) :) 

So... I got my stools ordered from the school supply site that the blogger recommends and all of my paint and supplies purchased... and off we went to my craft room to make the PERFECT bar stools! :) I have included a few pics to show the process, but you can get a much more detailed explanation from site above!

They turned out perfect!!! We are super excited to have found this idea... and even more excited about how easy it was and inexpensive it was!!! - -- who am I kidding CHEAP is the word I meant to use!! :) I LOVE CHEAP!! :) These stools will be PERFECT through our rough tough childhood years with boys! Someday we will have super nice and maybe even expensive stools, but for now... I LOVE these!! :)

The finished product...


Bar Stools said...

Awesome..I really like these family chair..Thanks for sharing!!

Becca@End Of Lease Cleaning Sydney said...

Wow, it is definitely awesome and beautiful... I also like those chairs for my kids. You've done a great projects, two thumbs up.