Monday, November 5, 2012

Keokuk Trip

 We FINALLY got a chance to get to Keokuk again!!! It has been FOREVER since we have had the chance to go... with purchasing a home, remodeling and my back surgery in June! We Left on Thursday after school and spent Thursday-Saturday with the Wilson family! We did our usual trip to HyVee for Friday morning breakfast and got to see Uncle Merlin and Aunt Marlene too! Our boys were being GOOFY as usual... Parker was taking the other 2 for a little ride...

We made a HUGE meal out at Grandma and Grandpa's house Friday night... we had Meatloaf, homemade mac-n-cheese, au gratin potatoes, baked beans, rolls, pies, etc. It was AMAZING as usual. Grandma's recipes... my hands!! :) It was so nice getting to visit and spend time with my grandparents!! Here are a few pictures we took before we left.

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