Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!

The boys all had a GREAT time trick-or-treating this year!! Parker and Owen picked out their OWN costumes... and Drew wanted to be Buzz Lightyear (which we already had)! :) We LOVE living so close to the grandparents... we got to go to each of their houses and get candy on beggars night!! :) Here's a picture of the boys before we set out for the night!

Nina Hamann and I went to the Halloween Parade at the elementary! It was fun getting to see the kids in their costumes! We got to help Owen's class get ready... so there are a extra pictures of his class:


Owen at the parade (in the gym)...

Parker at the parade...

HaPpY HaLlOwEeN!!

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