Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Move OVER Martha Stewart...

Ha!! :) Well I am no Martha Stewart, but I have been having LOTS of fun decorating our house for the holidays!! :) I have found most of my ideas on Pinterest and some came from my MOPS group that I attend in Alta! Such FUN and pretty simple ideas!

A Halloween Tree with scrapbook paper ornaments! :) 

Candy Corn made from cone-shaped Styrofoam and yarn! - - super easy and had fun making them with my friend Dana!

'BE THANKFUL' banner made from old CD's, scrapbook paper, glue (or mod podge) and vinyl from my friend Jodi! :)

A THANKFUL tree!! I first saw this at our MOPS group... and LOVED the idea!! So... I went home and gathered sticks from my yard and made cute little ornaments (tags) out of scrapbook paper and as a family we will do 30 days of being THANKFUL!! Each night at dinner we will write on the back of a tag and put the year and then I will save them and make new ones next year! :) I am super excited for this one since we can all participate as a family! :)

And that's not all.... I had a GREAT little helper in the kitchen this week... so we made some holiday treats! :) We picked out the fall colored m&m's out of our bag of m&m's and made FALL PRETZEL TREATS!! :) I LOVE getting to make goodies with my boys!!! This one was just Drew and I!!! :) - - disclaimer: Drew may have or may not have placed some of the HUGS in his mouth! :) ha!! --- thankfully we aren't sharing these with anyone this time! :)

Happy early HALLOWEEN and FALL/THANKSGIVING to all! :)

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