Saturday, October 13, 2012

Deals Orchard

This past weekend we went to Deals Orchard with Nina and Papa Hamann and the Edsen family!! This has become an annual tradition and the kids and us all really enjoy it!! This year there was more to do than last year since we went the weekend of their FALL FESTIVAL!! The kids got to ride a pony, go through the haunted house, sling shot apples, etc. Here are a few pictures (ok... a LOT of pictures) from our day at Deals!!

 Pony rides!!! :)

Our three little pumpkins... :)

Apple Sling Shot...
The older 2 boys did this and had fun trying to get their apples to hit the barrels at the bottom of the hill! :)

Choo Choo ride (as Drew calls it)! 

 Aunt Kim and the girls jumping on the HUGE trampoline!! :)

They have all grown since last fall... 

Picture time...

Do you know these characters???

After all the fun at Deals we headed over to PIZZA RANCH (another family favorite)!! We had the buffet for lunch and then Nina and Papa gave out the Halloween presents! Owen could hardly wait for this part... he talked about getting presents from Nina and Papa all day!! :) THANK YOU Nina and Papa for a great day and for the presents!!

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