Sunday, May 5, 2013

FUN-FILLED Weekend!!

We spent the weekend in Waukee/Dallas Center to attend a marriage seminar at Point of Grace... "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage!!" It was AMAZING!! THANK YOU Dan and Kim for watching our boys Friday night and Saturday morning so we could go!!!

Friday night after the seminar we stopped by Marc and Ruth's to visit!! It is always a great time with the Heithoff's!! :) --- and THANKS Emma for the hair styling tips!! ;)

Meanwhile... at Aunt Kim and Uncle Dan's house...
Owen and Uncle Dan were doing a little card playing...

While Parker and Drew were playing 'DRESS UP' with the girls!!! :)

My personal FAV!! :)

Emma told me about this great hair curler... so after a quick run to Walgreens with Ruthi, I sported a 'NEW' look on Saturday!! :)

After the seminar we ran back to Dallas Center to eat a great lunch with the Edsen's and then took all of the kiddos for a FUN DAY out at Incredible Pizza!!

THANK YOU again for a GREAT weekend Edsen's & Point of Grace!!! :)


Mere and Jonny said...

Love your hair!!! So cute curly! and glad you had fun at marriage conference ;)

Jodi Lansink said...