Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Family Fun Night - February 2008

Tonight Nick and I took the boys to Valley West Mall for their monthly Family Fun Night! The mall puts on this event on the last Tuesday of each month... and it had been awhile since we have gotten to go, so tonight was a real treat for us... and the boys! :)
The boys played on all of the blow-up toys (slides, jumping games, etc. ... there was even a hockey game there with the BUCS!!) and then we got to meet none other than "The FAMOUS", the ONE and ONLY, Parker's FAVORITE furry friend.............


It was so cute... Parker went up to scooby and was super shy, as usual (with NEW people) and I took their picture together and Parker says to me as we were walking away,

"Mom, that SCOOBY was a GIRL!!!"

hehe! How funny! I just told him that she wasn't the REAL Scooby!! That seemed to be enough... he didn't ask anything else.

Owen loved getting to run around and check everything out, but when it came to the blow-up toys he would start to climb and play and then turn right around to me or Nick and want off. He found more pleasure in just watching his big brother this time around.

It was such a fun night... the boys were both so good so we stopped at The Great American Cookie Company for a cookie and lemonade. What a great ending to a great night!


Jodi Lansink said...

Your boys are adorable!!! Looks like lots of fun!!! Did you get a "double doozie cookie?!?!" HEHE

YUMMM!!!!! Those would be our favorite!!!!

{find joy in the journey} said...

That is one thing I do miss doing with my kids. I'm sure we will make it down for a couple of the summertime family fun nights.

Candi Ladwig said...

How fun, I wish we had something like that around here!