Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!! :)
Here are some photos of my valentines... all three of my boys were my valentine's!!! We didn't have a real exciting Valentine's Day... I didn't have daycare today so we ran lots of errands and Parker had school this morning. They had a V-day party at school so he brought home a BIG bag of valentines! It was pretty cute!! He is learning to recognize all of his letters so he would say, "Mom, this one has the letter M - who is that?" and I would say... that is Max... and so on! He thought it was pretty great getting so many cards!!

As you can see from the photos the boys are wearing the same shirt... Parker likes to match his little brother! :) And of course, I think it is adorable!! Plus, I am sure he won't like it too much longer, so I am enjoying it while it lasts!

For V-day I got the daycare kids and our boys all a video and some candy... Scooby Doo for the older 2 and a Nick Jr one for the younger ones... they were all pretty excited!

Nick got me some tanning time and I got him some stocking caps and a shirt... we really don't do big gifts - in fact most years we don't do anything at all! We went out to Applebees for supper too... Owen was pretty naughty... he wanted to climb on top of the table the entire time!! Aghhh! You can imagine our frustration... the high chair had BROKEN straps!!! It seems we always get those high chairs!!! Overall, we still had a good day!! Hope everyone had a good day too!


Jodi Lansink said...


Anyway...I won't vent on your blog :) looks like a great Valentine's Day!!!!! Your boys are too cute! I have to agree..I love the matching outfits!

{find joy in the journey} said...

The boys looked very cute in their red. Glad you mad it back safe and maybe we will see you next weekend.