Saturday, February 9, 2008

Please WELCOME the Hamann's to the Internet!

I swore I would NEVER do a blog for my family... but now I am realizing how great they can be! Blogs are such a great way to keep in touch with friends and family all around the world!!! We have friends and family in Missouri, Canada, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, Texas, Illinois, Virginia (the Snavely's :)), Nebraska, North Dakota, Minnesota, and all over Iowa, so we have decided that a BLOG is exactly what we need in order for everyone to stay in touch and keep up with what we are all doing.

Our boys are changing so fast and this will be our little scrapbook of memories that we create daily and will update our blog each chance we get!

We hope you enjoy the little piece of the Internet dedicated to 'The HAMANN family!'


Snavels said...

Don't forget about your friends in VA:) We will love reading your blog!!! I am excited to be able to keep up better with you now!!

sarah, reese, and Finley

The Hamann Family said...

I will have to add VA!!! ;) I LOVE keeping up with your blog as well!!! ;)

Ryan said...

I really like the black background with white font. It looks cool. Nice job.