Thursday, March 13, 2008

A GREAT day and a Fun Night with FRIENDS!

WOW... what a GREAT day!!!
Today was parent/teacher conferences at Parker's school... and without sounding like I am bragging, I want to tell you all how proud of a MOMMY I am today!!! The conference went VERY well... Parker is doing such a good job... as the teacher was telling me all of the positive things, I was about in tears! It made me so proud and I told Parker when I picked him up from school how proud I was of him... again almost in tears. He says so casually... "WHY??" - hehe! Then I told him because he is so smart and well behaved at school and because his teachers like him... he just grinned from ear to ear! :) It was sweet!

Then... today after daycare I was able to get some of the redecorating items for my kitchen... which made me SOOOO happy!!! I have been having a tough time deciding on colors and designs... so my redecorating is starting to come along now. :)

And finally, Meredith and Jonny stopped over tonight to work on her blog and visit. It was such a fun night!!! For those of you who don't know, Meredith is Owen's GODMOTHER and a GREAT friend of mine from college.. so it was fun catching up and checking out her NEW COACH purse!!! - LOVE IT!!! :)

Here are some photos of the night... we were acting a little crazy! For more photos... check out Meredith's Blog -

So cute!!!
Jonny looks scared!!! :)

Sorry... Nick's eye doesn't photograph well! :)

1 comment:

Mere and Jonny said...

I LOVE the pics!! Jonny does look scared and Nick looks like he hates having his pic taken! ha
have a good weekend!