Saturday, March 29, 2008

FUN weekend!!!

Whew... this weekend was busy, but sooo fun! Nick and I had a MUCH needed "Date Night" on Friday night... we went out with friends from our church (Marriage Matters Class), we went out to AppleBees for dinner (only after everyone made it back from Spaghetti Works - poor Jess, how many trips did you make downtown???) and then to a Stars Hockey game (and they WON - 4 to 1... we never get to see our D.M. teams win... YEAH!!!) It was such a FUN night... we have such a great group and it was nice to get together with them all again! - PLUS... Meredith and Jonny watched the boys for us, so we got to hang out with them when we got home!!! We bowled on the Wii and hung out for a few hours... - ok... so Jonny was a little hooked, he even broke a sweat!!! hehe!!

For an update of their night with the boys, check out Mere's post on her BLOG @!!! They had quite the night!!! :) hehe!

Then, today (Saturday) we got the boys' NEW bed delivered!!! YEAH!!! FINALLY - it is all set up and ready to go!!! They are sleeping in it as I write! I will be posting pictures (hopefully tomorrow) on my previous post, so be sure to check back! Owen is VERY excited... he thinks HE should be up on the loft!!! hehe! We have already had to hide the ladder up on the top bed to keep him off it... this should be a fun adventure!!! :) Parker is sooo excited to be sleeping with Owen, but he told me tonight before bed that if he gets scared up there he will come in to Nick and my bed... hopefully everything goes well tonight since he likes to sleep SIDEWAYS when he sleeps with us!!! They both are happy to have a "NEW" room!!! And... Nick and I are excited that they will be sharing a room - plus, their bed is really nice... we both said how awesome it would have been to have a bed like that growing up!! They are lucky boys! - hopefully they enjoy getting to share the room and will be close as they grow up!!!

Then tonight we grilled out and had our friends Shawn and Lindsey and their 3 kids (Colin, Chloe and Dylan) over for dinner. We had steak and grilled shrimp... YUMMY!!! I even had a cake for desert!!! Lindsey, did you and I even get any cake??? hehe! It was very good food - Nick did a GREAT job on the grill! It was a fun night... the kids played games and the Wii - once Parker got over his little melt down he had when they first got here!! :) Agghh! Owen was busy as usual, running around, chasing after Daddy, crying and dumping water on the carpet (thanks Shawn for getting that!!!) but suprisingly he did very well with Dylan (he is 3 months) - Owen really isn't around any babies and I was a little nervous, so it was nice to see he was gentle with Dylan. He gave him some hugs... and was very curious, it was very sweet!! We had one little mishap - Owen got ahold of Dylan's teething toy and decided he needed to try it out... but all in all, it went well! Thanks guys for coming over for dinner... so good to catch up!!! LOVE the NEW van too!!! I didn't get to check it out other than through the window, but I heard all about it from Nick, who thinks we should have the 2008... such a dreamer!!! :)

Mere and Jonny... we will have to have a grill out this summer!!! :) - Thanks again!!!

Hope everyone's weekend was a good one!

(Sorry... we only have one picture from the weekend... we didn't do well with the camera!!)


Candi Ladwig said...

doesn't the grill out make you so excited for summer?!?!?! we grilled out and it made the summer bug bite even harder!! I AM SO READY!!! (and then they say snow on Wednesday??? what's that about??)

Jodi Lansink said...

Sounds like tons of fun! Good times with friends--and I greee with Candi----we are soooo ready to grill out!!!!!!!