Friday, April 4, 2008


What a FUN night!!! We went to the D.M. Bucs game tonight... and although they lost by 1 point in double overtime... they played an AWESOME game!!! (it was their last of the season too! :( Bummer!)

We went with Nicole, Cooper and Lilly (Brad too - although he was busy working most of the time). We had such a GREAT time!!! The kids were VERY lucky... they got to ride the Zamboni, take a picture with Bucky and help pick up pucks after the "chuck a puck" - how lucky are they??? Owen was too small to do all of the above, but he was such a good boy sitting on Daddy's lap through out the game... well, that is until he decided to pull Cooper's hair towards the end of the game - soooo sorry Cooper!!! Owen LOVES music, so he had a blast dancing/clapping all night! He did manage to take a little nap too in Daddy's arms?!?! :)

Parker LOVES hockey... he calls the oponents the "BAD GUYS"! hehe! He really has fun... but tonight I think it was more fun getting to hang out with Lilly and Cooper... I am not sure he watched much of the game!

Not only did the kids score... but we did as well!!! The Chiafos' (Brad and Nicole) took care of us too... we joked on the way home that we were livin' the high life tonight!!! hehe! We got GREAT seats, got to be in the "lounge"... and got free tickets, free mugs, and beer too... what a riot! THANK YOU guys soooo much... we really had a GREAT time!!

Sorry for Nick losing Lilly at the bathrooms... guess he didn't think about how girls ALWAYS have to wait in line... he was VERY worried!!! :) - and then of course relieved to know she was right there all the time!! hehe!

All in All... a GREAT Friday night!!! - again, THANK YOU!!!! :)

Riding the ZAMBONI!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, guys
That looked really fun. Glad everyone had such a good time.
Nina just got up. I was zonked after
my two nite stint!!
Will TTYL.
Hugs & kissesxox
Nina Wilson