Monday, April 21, 2008

A Visit with Great Grandma & Great Papa!

Isn't that SWEET... :)

We had to take a picture... it just made us melt! Owen LOVES his big brother... even if he is mean to him when he is awake!!! :)

What a fun weekend!! We went to Missouri to visit my granparents (my dad's parents) for the weekend. It was such a nice visit... we got to see great grandma, great papa, uncle Merlin, uncle Michael, Shari, uncle Long and aunt Marlene... wow!!! :) So nice to get to visit with everyone!! Glad to have you back from Texas Grandma and Grandpa!

The boys had such a great time with everyone... and Parker was such a "Papa's Boy"!! He LOVES his Great Papa!!! He was loving up on him all weekend! :) It was so cute! Owen was all about "Papa" too, he didn't want him or "Daddy" out of his sight all weekend! :) - poor guys!

Last but not least... Grandpa has played the guitar for years and every visit we get to listen to his music and singing... he does a great job! This visit BOTH boys sat completely still and ENJOYED what they were hearing and seeing!! It was absolutley wonderful!!! Grandpa sings old hymns that will make you cry... and he even threw in "Jesus Loves the Little Children" and "Jesus Loves Me" for the boys! Parker was excited that Great Papa new HIS songs!!! :) What a great end to a great weekend... THANK YOU, Great Papa! - and THANK YOU Great Grandma and Great Papa for such a nice weekend! See you soon!


Mere and Jonny said...

Looks like the boys had a great time! how cute is that owen and parker cuddling!! :) they are so funny! how sweet!

Anonymous said...

These pictures make me miss Grandma's house!!! Your boys are adorable and get cuter by the minute, sad I missed such a good time!
Take Care,