Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Going to School...

This morning Parker had preschool... on Tuesdays our friends come to pick him up at our house and take him to school since I have a full-house at daycare! About 5 minutes before they came, I was telling Parker to get his shoes and I would get his coat because it was about time to leave... during this time, Owen decided he was going to school too!! hehe! He went to the closet asked for his jacket, grabbed his boots and headed for the door after grabbing Parker's school bag to take with him! He is soooo funny!! He even told all of his daycare friends "Ba" - which is BYE! :) He got to help Parker carry out his things for school... and of course he tried to get into Nicole's car!!! hehe... he's an eager one! Hopefully he is this way when it's his turn to go to school!


Mere and Jonny said...

That is soo cute. Owie is my little bud. He wants to be like his big brother..so cute!!!

Jodi Lansink said...

Don't you just love those cute moments! What would we do without cameras to capture them!!! :)

Candi Ladwig said...

Love the boots! :) so fun!